Current Issue

Issue 15.1



Sara Batkie, “The Thing That Never Gets Closer”

Andrew Brininstool, “The Stowaway”

Susan Holcomb, “Symphony For Ina May”


Andrea Bianchi, “Second Story”

Mark Bessen, “Chicken Daddy”

Amanda Marples, “The Sudden Flesh: An Ode To The Postpartum Body In All Its Involuntary Glory”

Samantha Padgett, “Despite My Best Intentions, I Don’t Kill Myself”

Julie Marie Wade, “Roshambo”


Montana Agte-Studier, “fluoride is a neurotoxin”

Anthony Aguero, “Bed Bugs”

Kathryn Bratt-Pfotenhauer, “Seattle Nocturne”

Camille Carter, “Now That It’s Over”

Adam Clay, “Autumn In The Garden”

Kathryn Gaffney, “A Mark Of Closure”

Clare Harmon, “Teaching At The University Of Minnesota, November 2021,” “Demands”

Chelsea Krieg, “Marriage Counseling Without Teeth,” “When My Therapist Asks If I’m Happy”

Rosa Lane, “Arabian Nights, #2,” “Life Of A Secret”

Ramsey Mathews, “For Sale Third Day In LA March 18,” “Long Beach Oblations”

Melanie Merle, “In The Womb”

Allison Moore, “Prisca juvent alios; ego me nunc denique natum Gratulor”

Jane Morton, “Refrain,” “Drive”

Beth Oast Williams, “Carved Art Birds,” “Philanthropy For The End Times”

Aza Pace, “Transformations”

Samuel Piccone, “Are You Sleeping”

Erin Pinkham, “In This Reality Mama Knows I Am Bisexual,” “My Mother Has Always Been Afraid Of Water”

Katie Prince, “more the sparkle than the darkness,” “lachryphagy”

Landen Raszick, “On Opening”

Kiyoko Reidy, “Self-Portrait With Francis In My Ear”

Mark Smith-Soto, “The Call”

Lily Someson, “Denial”

Terry Ann Thaxton, “Portrait Of Myself As A Mother”

Clara Bush Vadala, “Lethal”

Sara Moore Wagner, “Even Her Hair Was A Mask”

Jeanine Walker, “Wedding”

Cassandra Whitaker, “seven wolves prop up the moon on the hill they gather like a rhyme,” “To Fill My Emptiness”

Patrick Wilcox, “That One Summer My Best Friend Came Out To His Parents And They Convinced The Catholic Church To Perform An Exorcism”

Felicia Zamora, “The Bird”


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